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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Washburn

Control Syndrome

Happy weekend!

I have a control problem. I want to be in control, but recently I came up with this question that reminds me that I shouldn’t want to be in control. Here’s the question: If you were in control of all aspects of your life this past week, what blessings would you not have received? What about in the past year?

This hits hard, because if I was in control, none of the blessings I’ve had this past week would have come. It also makes me realize that I wouldn’t be satisfied, everyone needs a little bit of surprise.

One blessing that I wouldn’t have received this past week had I been in control, is getting to spend time with my little sister. I had planned on spending this week getting ahead on homework, but instead I read and spent time with my sister.

My little sister managed to make me smile on a daily basis and helped me to take a deep breath and relax.

There is a reason why God is in control and you aren't, He has blessings hidden away for you.

We are lying to ourselves when we tell ourselves that we have control, because God is in control.

Take a deep breath and let Him know that you want Him to be in control and that you know He is in control.

God will bring you things you never expected if you let go of what you’ve been holding on to. We need God, without Him there is no point in living. Let’s stop trying to steal God’s power. We can never truly be in control and we need to know that.

The miracle of Jesus Christ being born from a virgin would have never happened if Jesus came as we expected. Our expectations are much different than God’s. Let’s stop complicating things and just follow His way.

I know I say it’s like it’s easy, but it’s hard. It’s hard to realize that you don’t have control. It’s even harder to admit it.

It will make everything better to be honest to yourself and others about control. We need to stop grasping at straws and just fall into His hands.



Lord, take my worries. Take all of my heartache and pain. Lord, I give You everything. Every breath I breathe is Yours Lord. Do not let me try and steal Your power. Lord, I don’t want to have anything but what You want for me. I give up control. You have my every breath, You have everything. I don’t want to waste another moment with me trying to take control. You are the God of miracles. I don’t get to choose my life story, so write Your story. Give me the miracles that You choose. Let my life point to You. In Your name, amen.

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