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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Washburn

To-do and Not To-do

Happy weekend!

If you’re like me, you probably have hundreds of things on your to-do list. You’ve probably found yourself overwhelmingly busy just like last year and the year before.

Christmastime has become one of the busiest times of the year. I find myself shopping, baking, finishing up school, and plenty of other things this time of year that I often forget that it’s almost Christmas. I lose myself in the chaos.

Yesterday, I was baking cookies and I was getting stressed from the lack of help that I had. I was rushing around trying to get dough rolled out and cookies in the oven. At one point I had Christmas music on, and that calmed me, but it ended up being turned off and then ensued the chaos.

I found myself stressing over whether the cookies were baked or not and just fretting about the overall experience; but when I turned on the Christmas music I felt calmer and happier. I found peace from what the music described; the coming of our Savior.

Breathing in those words filled with hope brought me back to why I was baking. I was baking as a form of celebration. I gave up caring about how the cookies came out and began to focus on the reason for the season. I was joyful when I was listening to the music.

Christmas wasn’t supposed to be this busy, chaotic season. Christmas is simply celebrating Jesus’ birth, which means we don’t need the best looking tree or the best tasting treats. We don’t need to go hog wild with Christmas, the goal is celebrating His birth, so all we really need is the Bible.

This season has become commercialized and an insane, hectic time where everyone is rushing around. What we really need to do this season is take some time to rest and simply be filled with the peace and awe of our Savior being born.

Christmas isn’t supposed to be filled with worry, rather it’s meant to be filled with hope and a trust in Jesus. We need to cast our worries on Jesus. We need to take a deep breath and let Him have it all, because He is the reason for the season.

We need to take a few minutes and just reread the birth of our Savior as if it was the first time we read this. We need to hear this news like a little kid would. Wrap yourself in the beauty of the season.

We may be lacking family or a fancy meal, but what can’t be taken from us is the amazing news of Christ’s birth. Take in the good news and the joy that comes with it. Don’t worry about whether the presents aren’t bought yet or the tree isn’t decorated, because those don’t mean as much as the birth of our Savior.

Celebration doesn’t have to happen with all sorts of material things, it can happen just with a Bible or the memory of what the Bible says. Let’s stop spending our time worrying this season and just spend it celebrating.



Lord, thank You for giving us Your Son. Lord, thank You for giving us a reason to celebrate. Lord, help us to focus on the amazing news of Your Son being given to us.

Lord, help us to stop worrying about what we have and haven't achieved. Let us focus on the greatest birth. Lord, help us to focus on You. In Your name, amen.

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